by Riamus » Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:56 am
Make sure that you have your Local Info settings correct in mIRC's options. Beyond that, try using different DNS servers and see if that makes any difference (there are a variety of free DNS servers out there). After that, try reinstalling a clean copy of Invision (not an update, no importing settings, etc) and try it. If it still gives you issues, I'd recommend asking on's forums. Up to now, no one has ever had an issue using /dns with Invision, so it is most likely something on your system and maybe someone on mIRC's forums will have a better idea of how /dns works in mIRC. Note that all Invision does with the DNS reply is to change the coloring/format of it. It uses whatever mIRC provides for information and does not alter it.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.