Serious bugs under Seven

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Serious bugs under Seven

Postby NFC » Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:42 am

Hi everyone,

I'm currently having curious bugs with the latest version of Invision and I just can't figure out why this happens.
I'm connected to 3 networks and without doing anything except idle (no disconnect, no split, etc.), the script is going totally crazy after a couple of hours !

I've got error messages : "unable to load I2BAR3.png", I can't access the settings anymore due to a /splay issue, etc. Mainly, Invision is unable to access its own files ! Isolated server notices don't use the right font (courrier instead of Tahoma), etc.

Restarting mIRC solves the problem for a while, then it happens again !

Also, there's still a bug concerning the nick color, which I fixed in Invision 2, years ago. It's a $scid vs. $scon confusion.
ialias2.mrc, line 366 and 367, replace every $scid() occurrence by $scon()

You cannot use a counter with $scid as it returns a unique incremental identifier. e.g.: If you start 3 connections, then you close the second one and finally you connect to a fourth server. $scon will go from 1 to 3 (you have 3 connections) whereas $scid will go from 1 to 4 having $scid(2) == $null
Not a very big issue though, but nick colors won't apply correctly without this fix.
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Re: Serious bugs under Seven

Postby NFC » Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:17 pm

OK, for the first part, looks like more a mIRC/Win7 issue than an Invision one.
I'm using mirc in XP SP3 compatibility mode and got no problem since then.
I hope Khaled will publish a new version of mIRC really soon, fully supporting Seven.
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Re: Serious bugs under Seven

Postby Riamus » Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:04 pm

It's more likely a problem in your configuration as I'm using Win7 and have absolutely no issues and I know others who use Win7 with no problems as well. Make sure you have correct access to the folders that Invision uses and that you aren't using folders with spaces in the path to Invision. Although spaces normally aren't an issue, it's always better to avoid that potential problem when troubleshooting.

As for nick colors, be more specific as to what isn't working. Nick colors work fine here with different colors on different networks and always have. Without more specifics, we aren't likely to change anything.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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Re: Serious bugs under Seven

Postby NFC » Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:35 am

For the win7 issue, i'll take a look. I discovered recently that my AV wasn't "win7 ready" yet. There's an update now so I'll try again. It's definitely not a folder issue (no spaces and I installed invision in my profile directory).

For nickColor, if you keep using $scid instead of $scon, you may have, after some disconnections/reconnections, weird entries such as "me" in the address list. It happened to me, that's why I looked into the code and corrected it. After a while, I got a "me" in the color list, in red, whereas the color I use for my nick is light cyan (11) and I don't use red for any nick color. I don't use the user list scheme based on the level list, just the color scheme based on user mode.

As I said before, $scid returns a connection identifier which is not an incremental counter. To iterate through connections $scon is available. Even without having seen the bug, you should at least see that the code is done in a wrong way by reading $scid / $scon differences. If it works for you with $scid, then trust me, it will work even better with $scon :)

I've been working for about 6 years as a code auditor and fixed many security holes and mistakes in web apps, just reading the code so I'm pretty confident I'm right. But if you don't trust me, it's not a big deal, I'll keep patching this on my computer in every future release. I was just trying to help :)
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Re: Serious bugs under Seven

Postby Riamus » Sun Nov 01, 2009 4:05 pm

We'll look into it now that we know what the issue is that you are seeing.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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