I'am I dangerous?

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I'am I dangerous?

Postby Flooder-AZ [Trj] » Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:44 am

Any time I try to download invision 3.x I get a message saying my virus scanner has found the trojan Win32:Flooder-AZ[Trj] and I end up aborting the connection to the download site. So..... uh..... yeeeeeah whats that about? For Some reason I think I remember seeing that trojan used in older versions of invision but am not sure If anything what exactly is it used for if you guys are actully using a trojan for something other then malicious reasons?
Flooder-AZ [Trj]
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Re: I'am I dangerous?

Postby Riamus » Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:25 pm

Invision doesn't contain any viruses or trojans if downloaded from the official site (click the logo on the top of the forum to go there). Invision uses a DLL to handle various things and this DLL was used years ago in a trojan. The DLL itself isn't bad. It was just used as part of the trojan. At the time, virus scanner software put the DLL in as being the trojan before realizing it wasn't the DLL that was the trojan. The majority of virus scanner software removed that from the detection long ago. Occasionally, it does crop up again in certain virus scanners when they forget that they removed it and it gets added again somehow. Usually, it's removed again by the next virus defition update. Some lesser known virus scanner software hasn't removed the detection. If that is the case, you should contact your virus scanner company and send them the DLL (or the entire downloaded RAR) and have them verify it's safe and have them remove the detection so you don't have a problem with it.

In addition, many virus scanners automatically flag mIRC as being "dangerous" and mark it as "not-a-virus" or a "potentially unwanted program" or something similar. These do not mean it's a virus... just that it *could* be used as one.

As long as you download Invision and/or mIRC from legitimate sources, you have nothing to worry about. As I said, you can always ask your A/V company to verify the download is safe. There are some online locations as well where you can send a file to be scanned if your A/V company won't do it. And if they won't scan it or won't remove the detection even after they say it's clean, I'd personally find a better quality A/V program. Free ones are nice because they are free, but that doesn't mean they are very good.
You can find me at #Invision on irc.irchighway.net or #OldGames on irc.undernet.org if you need me for anything.
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