ok can someone help me right now we have to run my irc network in a way we need to set it with alot of clones.
now what this is doing as i run invision when i enter channels because there is alot of clones my computer lags very bad and the cpu useage goes up to 100%. now i have tested this to see what it is and i have tested many other mirc clents they all seem to be fine and the only time i get this is when i am using invision. also i have asked other to test invision to see if the same thing happens to them which it does. so we know that it is invision doing this. is there a way that this can be fixed as you see the only thing i like to use is invision and owning a irc network and not being able to enter channels is not good. its ok with small channel its the ones that have 200 users and up in them.
please help me