Severe Error

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Severe Error

Postby TRU 504 BoY » Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:09 am

I just recently started invision. Now, when I open the program I get an error saying "SEVERE ERROR. A serious error has occured during script boot. Invision will not function under this condition and therefore will be forced to shut down in 60 seconds" Then it says that I should scroll down to the status window and I get this message "*mkdir/ unable to create 'C:\program' (line 657, imprtwiz.mrc)
Do I need to download a different version of mIRC. Perhaps 6.02 in order for it to work? What can I do to fix this problem.
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Postby L|B » Wed Jan 28, 2004 6:19 am

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That error is caused by...

Postby Riamus » Sat Feb 07, 2004 6:54 am

You are trying to run mIRC 6.12 with a version of Invision other than 3515. That is why you are getting that error message. Get the latest Invision or get an older version of mIRC and you will be fine. :)
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