Ok i hate to say this but after using nothing but Invison ever. I am tossing it. I dont mean to be rude, but how you can relase this is beyond me. The global settings thing does not work , and i really dont want to have to back up and restore settings every time i open invision, even that dosent work. and yes i used clean copys of invison , and on 2 dif computers so its not me .. but i think you all know that. It seems that someone thinks its a good thing to go backwards. i dont. Dont take this as something mean, i am very dissapointed that i cannot tolerate the bugs ion the new invison. I compare it to the new aol. it all hyped up but is just one big problem. Is this wat the future holds for us on irc? I hope not. nothing would make me happier than to be able to use invison again. but i just cant. I run a major network and dont have the time to be playing with settings everytime i restart bad, cRYOa used to have a good script, i hope this problem gets resolved ,it was the best script i ever sad and , oh well ill say it .. pissed, that you guys kinda dumped that on us like that.. wake up- loyal people deserve your consideration