text/scrit problems

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text/scrit problems

Postby phoenix » Fri Jan 09, 2004 9:44 am

I am getting strange text being sent to the channel but i cant see it.

here is what i see:

[12:24] <04@Phoenix^-> Current System Configuration —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—
[12:24] <04@Phoenix^-> Operating System: Windows XP Build 2600, Service Pack 1 up for 6 days, 15 hours, 13 minutes 22 seconds
[12:24] <04@Phoenix^-> CPU/MEM: 1 Intel Pentium III, 991MHz with Currently 412 of 511MB in use which is 80.63%
[12:24] <04@Phoenix^-> Storage System: Internet Connection:
[12:24] <04@Phoenix^-> Display System: using a monitor at 1024 by 768 32bit color 60Hz refresh

this is what they say is wrong

[12:26] <13SPF> [18:26] <Phoenix^-> –¿”s•l“M‹VŠR‰Wˆ·

and this:

[12:26] <13[DSC-FFAAE]LagMasta-ITF> [11:24am] <@Phoenix^-> Current Drive Storage Status. $BM*(B-n-v-i-s-i-o-n$BPRIVMSG #ffaae :Drive C of 27.9GB has 4.11GB
[12:26] <13SPF> [18:24] <Phoenix^-> Current System Configuration —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n˜Ð•u—r

also this:
[18:41] <Phoenix^-> –¿”s•l“M‹VŠ°ŠSŠ°

on channel entry.

and it displayed my nickserv user name and password for each network in every channel i was in

all these problems are not displayed on my screen.

i am useing 6.12 mirc with latest invision
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Joined: Fri Jan 09, 2004 9:34 am

Postby L|B » Fri Jan 09, 2004 10:35 am

Re install to a new directory your install didnt go right or your scripts have been altered and they are not doing what they should be doing. DONT install to same folder install to a new folder and then delete the old one.
Setup And Trouble Shooting http://www.ircmadeasy.com
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