xdcc ad bug (?)

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xdcc ad bug (?)

Postby FragZ » Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:11 pm

I use mirc 6.12 in combination with invision 2.0 build 3515
Recently I sended some files from my xdcc server (people requested a pack ..and the script automatically sended them)

Session Ident: @DCC_Info
[******] Successfully Sent ********* «618MB» to *** at 29.3 Kbs at 6:48pm.

The only strange thing is that my xdcc ad shows this (after I sended the 618mb file) <FragZ> Served:«136MB» Packs Offered:«15»

served should show at least 754mb ..is this a known bug ..or is it my configuration?
(is it possible to adjust the 'served' ad manually?)
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