File Server Settings....

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File Server Settings....

Postby PD^renegade » Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:12 pm

I have noticed that the "Run with no Advertisement" setting will not remain checked when disconnecting from a server, or closing invision altogether. On the next connect, the ad is displayed. I have only used invision on one network so far, and it is correctly listed in the server.ini.

Also noticed that the server will start on connect, but invision no longer announces it has started(even though it is checked in sound manager, very minor, but is nice to have the reminder).

Also, not sure if it is due to invision or not, but did not have this problem with plain mIRC6.12 or invision2520/mIRC6.03, when using dual monitors, and putting a few channels on the desktop(2nd monitor), and the rest within invision/mIRC the position of the windows on the destop(2nd monitor) are not saved. When invision is re-opened and reconnects, it opens the desktop windows on the same monitor as invision/mIRC. As I said, mIRC6.12 by itself and older version of invision/MIRC did not display this behavior.

Should also point out, this is a "fresh" install of mIRC6.12 and invision, no settings imported. All were set from scratch.
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Postby L|B » Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:14 pm

I have tried to get the Run Silent to work On Rizon with no luck same as u stated. U can put this in perform....

/timerFS 1 5 /w.set Fserve SilentMode On

....and it will check the Box for u. The sound for the File Server works well on the fresh install I have maybe double check your Theme manager make sure it is active then also check your Soundmanager and make sure it is enabled might even go as far as to make sure that wave is there in the Sounds Folder , as for the multi monitor I havent used multi mode so cant help ya there
Last edited by L|B on Mon Dec 01, 2003 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby krazie » Mon Nov 24, 2003 11:15 pm

at least it doesn't loose all your file server setting on every restart, and nice to know that the backup settings feature did not help get them back.
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