3515 bug still here..

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3515 bug still here..

Postby yuppicide » Sun Nov 23, 2003 11:06 pm

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Postby parker182 » Mon Nov 24, 2003 12:21 am

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Postby Dugite » Mon Nov 24, 2003 1:52 am

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Postby L|B » Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:25 am

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Postby yuppicide » Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:32 pm

I do have a fresh install. In fact my whole system is a fresh install of Win XP Pro. I was in the process of re-installing all my favorite programs and just got mIRC 6.12 and Invision 3515.

I understand it's a beta.. it's been this way for a LONG time and it hasn't got rid of the "loss of settings bug" even though more than once it was said to be gone.
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Postby Riamus » Wed Nov 26, 2003 10:26 pm

Make sure you saved all your settings before closing Invision... don't trust it to auto-save.

Also, if you crash, you will often lose settings of any part of Invision that is open at the time. That's normal for most Windows apps.
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Re: Save

Postby yuppicide » Wed Nov 26, 2003 10:31 pm

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Postby Riamus » Wed Nov 26, 2003 10:36 pm

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well i am the same way

Postby Grodd » Sun Nov 30, 2003 4:03 pm

it has been the same way for me now for a year once 6.01 mirc came out. invision settings would hold until you tried to do a multi server then from there it would keep any setting what so ever.

now with the lastest 6.12 and 3515 setting will not save for more than 1 close and restart of the program or even a reboot of the system. i do say it does get a bit old constantly reconfiguring the settings every reboot.

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Saving Settings

Postby Riamus » Sun Nov 30, 2003 5:51 pm

Things to remember regarding saving settings:

1) Unless you first configure your GLOBAL settings, you will have to configure every network individually. This is one of the most common reasons people think the settings are not being saved. To configure GLOBAL options (the settings that remain the same for all networks), make the changes while you are not connected to ANY networks.

NOTE: If you have already run Invision after installing it (or if you imported files from earlier versions), the GLOBAL settings are only going to affect networks you have not yet been to. All other networks that you have been to have already had their settings created using the previous GLOBAL settings (which are probably settings you don't want because they are the default settings and not your own). GLOBAL settings are the default settings that are applied to a new network before you make individual changes to it.

If you are having problems with your GLOBAL settings not being what you wanted and you've been to other networks, you may want to reinstall Invision and do NOT import any settings, or you can go to your mirc\Invision\Settings\ folder and delete all folders in there while not connected to any networks. Then you can edit your GLOBAL settings. The new settings will then apply to all networks until you make changes for a specific network. Be certain that you set up every setting that you want to be GLOBAL before joining any networks.

For further help on GLOBAL settings, just ask.

2) Save your settings every time you make any changes.

3) If you have problems with your computer crashing, you should close Invision after making any changes. Even if you save your settings, if Invision crashes (or your computer does), you will lose any settings you had. By closing Invision, the settings become permanent (unless something else happens to them -- you make changes, delete files, etc). NOTE: This may be different in the latest build as I've not tested it yet... but in 2520 and earlier, this was the case.

4) Regarding multi-server. You WILL lose settings, guaranteed, if you connect to the SAME network more than once with Invision. You should have no problems connecting to multiple DIFFERENT networks, but by connecting to the SAME network more than once, you will lose your settings for that network (I believe they return to your GLOBAL settings). NOTE: This doesn't mean just the same SERVER, but the same NETWORK. (i.e. You can't connect to different Undernet servers without problems... only to completely different networks such as Undernet and Dalnet).

For any questions about these things, let me know. :)
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Postby L|B » Sun Nov 30, 2003 5:56 pm

I have found in older 2520 build that if your settings are lost and then you try to reset them on the next reboot they will not be there again, to fix this I always closed invision then deleted that network folder ( the one with the lost settings ) then reconnected to the server and reset the settings and they stay fine. But if you try to save over corrupt settings they dont stick. for those of u with problems on the new build you should try to delete like listed above then go to Invision Save all settings Now then if for some reason you lose your settings the Restore all settings will be there and just a few clicks you will have them back ..... If you continue to lose your settings all the time try the new option under your Invision Main settings ADV Tab and check the box for use Global settings for all Networks and see if that helps 8)
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Postby Grodd » Mon Dec 01, 2003 1:04 am

well i am just tired of setting up the script ever time i turn around. so i had someone go over it and fix 2520 for me. so it works. i will just use there fixed version that works until a good new version comes out.
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A point

Postby Riamus » Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:40 pm

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Postby yuppicide » Fri Dec 05, 2003 9:29 pm

Oh I fully blame the script. I don't connect multiple times on the same server from the same mIRC. I am from the old school when there was no connections to multiple servers from the same program. I actually use seperate mIRC programs if I wanna do that, but that is very rare that I would want to. I was using Invision in one directory and stock mIRC in another directory.

The bug that really bothers me is fserve explorer closing down randomly. That is the feature I use most to get files.
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Not random

Postby Riamus » Fri Dec 05, 2003 9:49 pm

Fserv explorer won't close randomly. There is only one reason for it to close other than you closing it yourself. That is if you lose a connection to the server. And a reason for that to happen can be the owner closing you, you running out of time on a timed server, etc).

And connecting twice to the same network was only one example I gave that will cause apparent loss of data. And that information was for everyone's benefit as most people have problems related to those items whenever I help them with losing data... whether they think they do to begin with, or not.
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