Bug in new build 3515

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Bug in new build 3515

Postby insanitor » Sun Nov 23, 2003 11:35 am

On one PC with a Duron 1.2 Ghz, I get this error, but on another PC I do not.

Here is the error upon selecting the right click>display in channel>system info:

* /if: invalid format (line 1073, ialias4.mrc)

Any ideas?

It worked fine in the previous build.
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Postby cryoa » Sun Nov 23, 2003 2:30 pm

ya your right.. there is a error in the code.. its now fixed for next release which I currently plan to try and release on the first of december.
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Postby insanitor » Sun Nov 23, 2003 2:49 pm

This code is very hard to mess with, as you can see from my FAILED attempt to fix it for AMD processors from build 2520:

if (%cputype == AMD) {
if (%cpuspeed >= 1450) && (%cpuspeed <= 1485) { var %cpuview = %cputype XP1700+ }
if (%cpuspeed >= 1515) && (%cpuspeed <= 1545) { var %cpuview = %cputype XP1800+ }
if (%cpuspeed >= 1585) && (%cpuspeed <= 1610) { var %cpuview = %cputype XP1900+ }
if (%cpuspeed >= 1650) && (%cpuspeed <= 1690) { var %cpuview = %cputype XP2000+ }
if (%cpuspeed >= 1700) && (%cpuspeed <= 1745) { var %cpuview = %cputype XP2100+ }
if (%cpuspeed >= 1750) && (%cpuspeed <= 1795) { var %cpuview = %cputype XP2200+ }
if (%cpuspeed >= 1815) && (%cpuspeed <= 1845) { var %cpuview = %cputype XP2500+ }
if (%cpuspeed >= 1915) && (%cpuspeed <= 1945) { var %cpuview = %cputype XP2400+ }
if (%cpuspeed >= 2065) && (%cpuspeed <= 2090) { var %cpuview = %cputype XP2800+ }
if (%cpuspeed >= 2115) && (%cpuspeed <= 2145) { var %cpuview = %cputype XP2600+ }
if (%cpuspeed >= 2150) && (%cpuspeed <= 2190) { var %cpuview = %cputype XP2700 Or 3000+ }
if (%cpuspeed >= 2230) { var %cpuview = %cputype XP3200+ }

:cry: :wink:
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Postby insanitor » Fri Dec 26, 2003 3:13 pm

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Postby L|B » Fri Dec 26, 2003 4:37 pm

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bug in the new update

Postby Lonewolf732003 » Mon Jun 14, 2004 2:09 am

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Postby Riamus » Mon Jun 14, 2004 10:19 am

You can find me at #Invision on irc.irchighway.net or #OldGames on irc.undernet.org if you need me for anything.
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bug in the new update

Postby Lonewolf732003 » Thu Jun 17, 2004 6:33 am

i am using mirc 6.14 and im using invision version he new update verson
I2b3515-A i only started getting it once i installed the updated invision..the other version i2b3515 didnt have it
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Postby Riamus » Thu Jun 17, 2004 4:29 pm

You can find me at #Invision on irc.irchighway.net or #OldGames on irc.undernet.org if you need me for anything.
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