Virus Free Invision Script

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Virus Free Invision Script

Postby urtrippin2 » Thu Aug 14, 2003 6:56 am

I tried to load up invision script but it kept saying that there was a backdoor virus on the ones that I tried to get from the sites that are posted here. Are there any other sites that has a virus-free script where i can get my invision back, because this excursion script I have now blows hella highs. :cry:
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Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2003 6:41 am

Postby KrYp70N » Fri Aug 29, 2003 5:27 am

From which site did you get the script from that said it had a backdoor in it? Did you verify the MD5 checksum before installing it? Which specific backdoor virus was supposedly in it and what specific scanner/detector was it that said there was a backdoor. Due to the nature of mIRC, there are files which some virus/trojan/bot scanners automatically flag as backdoor/trojan/virii which are a normal part of mIRC and addon scripts, but if those same files were located outside of the mIRC directory, then usually some sort of infection has occurred and another mIRC bot might have been created elsewhere. Not saying this is or isn't the case but you need to be more specific.
Hope This Helps ;)
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Postby Ganghiss » Mon Oct 13, 2003 6:01 pm

The installer for build 2520 had a valid checksum, was downloaded from cox internet site posted in , McAfee VirusScan v8.0.2 detected IRC/Flood.ak.plugin (a trojan) in ..\Invision\~GLH005c.TMP.
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Postby cnils » Tue Oct 14, 2003 2:31 am

The file stdio.dll was used in a exploit a long time ago.
The file is also used by Invsion and many other programs.
It is not infected in any way. McAfee added it to it's definitions anyway, as
did some other anti-virus companies.
To my knowledge, only McAfee still has stdio.dll listed as a virus.

So, if the complaint is against stdio.dll, you are safe to ignore the warning.
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