Script Crashing

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Script Crashing

Postby red_out » Wed Jun 25, 2003 9:14 am

I don't know how to describe this, but I will do the best I can.
I am running 2 copies of Invision2b1816 on the same network [EFnet] (1 for serving in a tag-your-nick chan, the other for chat/download/op). Both scripts are 2b1816. The serving script never crashes. The chat script usually does. It shows up in channel as a "Ping Timeout" but on my system I get that Windows error reporting screen that you get when a program crashes in Windows XP Pro.
Now, I am in significantly more channels with the script that crashes than I am with the serving script (something like 15 vs 3). Sometimes I am also on 2 different networks with the script that crashes. I have no idea why this is happening. The script that's crashing was a clean install, using the same installation file I used for the non-crashing 1. Both scripts are in folders that contain no spaces in the path, in fact they are in the same sub-folder, but they ARE in their own separate folders. [c:\ircscripts\invison2 and c:\ircscripts\invison1816].
This was also happening when I was using Invision2b2520 (fully patched) while I was using the Invision2b1816 to serve with. I switched to 2 versions of build 1816 because the serving script was not crashing.
The crashes are not simple Ping Timeouts that allow me to reconnect automatically. These are complete program failures. I have to restart the script from my shortcut and close the "warning" window that tells me I might be running a script from the same location as another 1 (which, as I have shown above, is not the case).

Any assisstance is greatly appreciated.

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