auto voice problem

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auto voice problem

Postby theskid » Sun Jun 22, 2003 3:04 am

hi im on a channel and depend on auto voice
and invite
i message the bots and they invite me the bots must check my address line
at first its ok (this is a example)

and i get invite to other channel and auto voice

but after a few hours or so

invision or something changes my address line to

as you can see rabbit@ has changed to I18467R41C@
and i dont get voiced or invited i usually have to restart my pc for it to go back to its original state tried everything the connection options still say what they originally did were does this I18467R41C@ come from

is this my user id

how do i prevent this from changing
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jun 22, 2003 2:57 am

Postby cnils » Sun Jun 22, 2003 8:35 am

There is no way for you or Invision to change the ident after you connected to a server.
Perhaps the network is doing something.
IRCops can change idents of people connected.
Check with the admins of the network.
Posts: 426
Joined: Wed Oct 09, 2002 9:01 pm

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