I solved the prob myself disabling the autostart option so the advert will not be displayed on all channels only on manual enabling , but its not good thing to use this /ctcp nick ftpinfo1 ,i don't like this ctcp too much ,maybe I'm to lazy to enter

but there are some other cases like when user is on the firewall this maybe a problem to do a p2p connection,better may be !list <nick> ,also there is a one important thing when somebody do a mistake and turn on the wrong ftp ad timer the advert will be displayed showing info to all users as this shouldn't happen so for prevent that situtation to be happened there maybe a check in a script code of ictcp.mrc ,when there is the "Allow CTCP From" option enabled of any of the 1-5 ftp ad tabs it will check and instead of displaying the ftp ad banner on the channel it will inform with that fact " this ftp ad info is only enabled for certain users ,you cannot enable autostart for all users! Prepare next advert in another tab with seperate account infos..." ,thats a good idea i think and need to be putted into the invision goodies. Ok,Thats all for now , Best Regards goin to Author of this Superb addon! You have done a great work!