Inivision 2520 wont get recognized from Autovoicers..plz SOS

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Inivision 2520 wont get recognized from Autovoicers..plz SOS

Postby Venom » Wed Mar 26, 2003 6:38 am

Hi Cryoa and Team, (plz dont stop reading after seeing that i wrote that much!!!) it is really importent.

It seems Invision got a major bug with the Fserve voicing recognitions.
Most channels does Autovoice the Fserves but what me and many other friends discovered which are using Invision too is that we get many times not recognized from the Autovoice Systems. And if then it takes a couple of times after we get recognized and then voiced.
The other thing we realized is that most Autovoice-Scripts are based on Sysreset i can't deny the fact that most of the users are using Sysreset and they use the implemented Autovoice+devoice function.
And now our problem is , i and my other friends with Invision we get sometimes right after the 1st Autovoicing if we are lucky voiced but sometimes it takes a couple of trys until our Fserves gets recognized and then we get voiced but then the next time if the Sysreset Autovoicer starts again and it got "Autodevoice ON".
It immediately devoices us and then we have to play the whole game again trying to get back voiced.

I heard from a friend it depends on how fast the script is responding to the !list command and displays the Fserve Ads and it seems Invision is always to slow and thats why it dont gets voiced or devoiced since the other Voice-Scripts can't find an Fserve Ad from Invision.
I don't know this is the problem or not but it is the fact that Invision always gets many times ignored from Autovoicers and it takes a couple of tries to get voiced + the other prob that we always have is that we get devoiced again if we have a voice and that "Autodevoice is ON" bc the Script thinks that we dont have an Fserve running... :(

My Invision Fserve settings are: Running without Ad. and then the standard options like respond to !list and /ctcp only mode...

plz help us Cryo!!!

i really really like Invision but bc of this problem we anoy many smaller channel Ops bc they always see's us getting voiced and then next time devoiced again. Some Ops are even think that we have fake Fserves running and i already got even banned for this from a channel :(...

PS: Im a Channel Operator too and i must honestly say, even I as a long time Invision user uses another extra Autovoice-Bot which voices Fserves frequently in every 1hr trough the Sys.autovoice addon+a Script which defines the time to do the !list command bc Invision don't works well and only voices Fserves which displays they're Ads into the channel and dont really works with a !list Autovoicing.
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Postby cnils » Tue Apr 22, 2003 4:34 am

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Postby cryoa » Tue May 20, 2003 11:59 pm

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