again about resume problem with router!with all version!

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again about resume problem with router!with all version!

Postby raziel77 » Fri Mar 21, 2003 9:09 am

hy,i ve read about the other resume problems for the user.
i have notified this with all the invision version and not just with the 25.

is it possible to cryoa to fix this problem ?

i've an atlantis i storm router
the port 1024-5000 is a too strange range i can't forward all!
i ve tried with 1024-1200 but my lan doesn't work anymore(no one can access to internet except me)

with 1024-1030 or 5000-5004 the f serve doesn't work or the sending file dosent' work

1024-1040 is good but the lan doesn't work

always ''dcc resume rejected invalid parameters'!!!
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Postby VaginalCream » Tue Mar 25, 2003 2:11 pm

I have a D-Link DI-704. With no ports forwarded at all, everything works except resumes. When I forward 1024-5000, the resume works, but my email doesn't work any more, even if I forward ports 110 and 25 for pop3 and smtp. If I switch mirc/invision to DCC ports 5001-5004, it stops working, even with those ports forwarded to my ip address. So I've stopped forwarding everything, back to the way it was, and invision responds and sends the files as requested, but resumes still do not work.
Back to the drawing board.
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about ATLANTIS I STORM ROUTER.and resume

Postby raziel77 » Tue Mar 25, 2003 4:37 pm

i want to underline that the resume problem is not only for this invision version.
i had an telindus router a time and it was the same problem for resume also with different invision version.
each router has it's configuration to let invison work!
why can't thinghs go straight without problems for us orouter's owner with this script?
perhaps somethingh has to be fixed in the code program

but it' s an invision or an mirc problem?
infact the port configuration dcc is in the mirc menu.

x vaginal:forward 1024-5000 and the ports for your smtp.all to yourr pc.
check for the firewall if... read down

i ve found the solution for my router.
i had to set the rules of the packets filter ports in the firewall options,enable the options and
now the resume work. (my router has a firewall built-in)

i thoungh:''why touch the enable option if it's on disable mode about the packet filter??''

if i didn't set it and only forward the 1024-5000 ports on the port mapping config to my pc of my router config menu,all the rest af my lan pc's don't connected anymore to internet.

different if i connect with only one pc without any lan system can just set the port mapping 1024 5000 or 1024 1200 and it work

by the way the 1024 port is a strange 'note' port.


byez from italy
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Location: padova italy

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