Bug 1
When "Visufix" is enabled in Invision it causes the query window of "psyBNC" to stay empty and sends the messages/commands to the status window. When Visufix is disabled, the problem is fixed. I don't know if that is really a problem, but I am a neat freak and I hate it when anything is sent to the status window.
Bug 2
I have my own wallpapers I like to add to invision to spice it up a little. All of them stay except the backgroung picture on the status window. I tried applying the wallpaper by two different methods. Method 1) Click the top left corner of the status window, go to background and select a background. But when i shut invision down and restart it...the picture is gone. Method 2) I tried going into the Invision menu and selecting "Theme Manager"..... for the status window i choose my picture (.jpg -- and i have even converted the picture into gif, jpeg, bmp ) and it still gives the same results.. I want that background picture for the status window to stay !!!