BNC Multi-Networking issue

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BNC Multi-Networking issue

Postby GoTTi » Sat Mar 06, 2004 11:49 pm

I have duplicated a report/issue I had with my Invision trying to multi-network on a BNC with my Invision. Problem is: It is only allowing 1 connection to a IRC Network on a bnc. When i try to do a multi-network connection, it just says connecting to server/disconnected over and over.

Duplicated because another user using Invision that I know has this issue.

Wierd though, on another BNC I have, I can multi-network fine. So i don't understand whats going on.

psyBNC 2.3.1 is giving the problem.
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Postby PD^renegade » Sun Mar 07, 2004 8:22 am

sounds like you have psyBNC set up to allow only 1 connection.
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