File Server cause system to reboot

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File Server cause system to reboot

Postby NeGa » Fri Jan 09, 2004 6:30 pm

It seems whenever someone accesses the third folder deep into my fileserver, my machine reboots. It is doing the same thing on two different HDs, so i'm pretty sure the error is not there. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Postby L|B » Fri Jan 09, 2004 10:51 pm

How much ram do you have running on your system? also how much remaining space do you have on the HD's
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File Server Reboots

Postby NeGa » Sat Jan 10, 2004 10:17 pm

I have a 256 pc133 stick of RAM. The first HD I used is a 120 gig WD that is partitioned into Drive D of 55.9GB has 28.2GB free and into Drive H of 55.8GB has 55.8GB free. I also have used it on another HD which is partitioned into Drive C of 9.77GB has 7.45GB free and Drive E of 27.4GB has 1.62GB free. Drives D and E contain the exact same information on them. I have had the system restart multiple times on both HD/Drives.
Thanks for your time.
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Postby L|B » Sat Jan 10, 2004 10:35 pm

Check your system resources and see if your using up all your ram then when the Fileserver kicks in you may be spiking your resources dry and causing your pc to hault and reboot. I use three Diffrent hard drive setups,

[1:28am] <L|B> Drive C of 38.2GB has 32.2GB free. Drive D of 111GB has 42.2GB free. Drive F of 111GB has 10.5GB Free.
[1:28am] <L|B> Total Storage: 261GB Total Used: 176.1GB Total Free: 84.9GB

I also have 1.25GB of ram running
[1:33am] <L|B> Operating System: Windows XP Build 2600, Service Pack 1 up for 3 hours, 30 minutes 3 seconds
[1:33am] <L|B> CPU/MEM: AMD XP2100+ with Currently 320 of 1280MB in use which is 25.00%

Never have had any problems with this setup
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