Corrupted Native Files... How to repair?

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Corrupted Native Files... How to repair?

Postby Lalas » Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:40 am

When i try to load invision appear this message:
Found 9 of the 24 native script files to be corrupted or changed: ialias1 ialias2 ialias4 ialias5 imaindlg imisc iraws itext iunique

And a popup tell me that invision quit within 60 sec
Any idea?

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:37 am

Postby [slider] » Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:16 pm

the 9 scripts that are corrupt or changed are the 9 files you have obviously added from the fix pack, the close in 60 seconds error is because you havent changed igostop.mrc to be able to run invision using mirc 6.12.
open invision, then using the scripts editor, view igostop.mrc then goto line 276, it needs editing to look like this
if ($version != 6.02) && ($version != 6.01) && ($version != 6.03) && ($version != 6.12) { error $r.glob(Script,Logo) is designed for mIRC 6.02 and above, please download mIRC 6.02 or above from | halt }
when u have done that click file save then click ok, close invision, reopen it and it should run without the error about closing in 60 seconds
Posts: 60
Joined: Tue Jan 14, 2003 3:05 pm

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