Cheating the queue system

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Cheating the queue system

Postby Greatnuts » Sun Aug 24, 2003 5:07 pm

Easy to do, requires little camping but easy to do. I was on a guys fserv and he had his queues maxed, 45 sends, 75 queues...i already had 1 in queue. i checked his sends and he had 1 at 99%, i watched it by typing sends again, had 1sec left, i double clicked the file i wanted to get in queue, instead i had an instant send. 200mb file, and my other file in queue was over 200mb as well. the one that was in queue stood its spot. So, all in all, i cheated the queue system. ROAR, just dont camp my fserv i run, kthx
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Postby cnils » Sun Aug 24, 2003 11:12 pm

If the file server restricts the number of sends per user, you might very well be the first in queue for the next send.
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Postby Greatnuts » Mon Aug 25, 2003 7:02 am

Well, that is true but i had one in queue already, so it even skipped one of my queues
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Postby cryoa » Wed Aug 27, 2003 9:08 am

Even though over the last year the script and been altered to prevent such things.. there are still certain circumstances which would end up allowing this to be possible. I could see the fact of it serving at 45sends/75 queues being enough to cause a load in script parsing for someone to slip by the checks. Now in recent versions there has been a few improvements made to it like flags set and checked if a file has just finished sending etc. that try and prevent this but if the server is running an older build of Invision then they arn't there to help of course. I'd say 90% of fserve scripts out there you can do this on from what I have seen and most of them are easier to do it on as well. See what build the guy is using. I plan to in the future rewrite the entire fserve routines which will make it 100% impossible for this to happen.. but in the mean time under normal conditions it should be pretty hard to queue jump with the latest versions/builds.
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