trouble on AIMP on Winamp 2.81

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trouble on AIMP on Winamp 2.81

Postby SaYdOc » Fri Apr 18, 2003 9:50 am

well, that is the trouble, a got the latest AIMP plugin for winamp 2.81, and when a set invision to the directory of AIMP, invision throw me an error:
"/me: can't use /me in this window (line 46, ialias2.mrc)", that appears on the status window, and i cannot show in the main channel, what i'm listening. by the way, y put an a addon of Sysreset Script, "winamp Scanner", that plugin work, no so much well, y cannot set the plugin, but i can show what i'm listening. Help pliz.

thnx friiends, and INVISION RULZ!!!!
c'ya :wink:
::::Help anyone, to anyone help you::::
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Postby cryoa » Tue May 20, 2003 11:33 pm

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Postby slm858uk » Wed Jul 30, 2003 3:23 am

well im using winamp 2.81 and amip but i cant get it to advertise the song im playing. i chosen the settings in invision > main settings > amip for winamp. then i changed the winamp plugin directory in the adv. tab to the the main winamp directory. I have also ticked advertise what im listening to when u right click in the channel window. But it still dont want to advertise nething.

thank you

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