Increasing the Bandwidth Speed

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Increasing the Bandwidth Speed

Postby Sketch » Sun May 25, 2003 5:08 am

I've tried increasing the numbers in the DCC Manager/Setup/DCC Per Send Bandwidth Limit to increase the send bandwidth speed but to no avail.

DCC Per Send Bandwidth Limit = 0
Total Server Bandwidth Limit = 100000

Then in the Status section it reflects:

Server Bandwidth = 97.7 kbs (which is right)
But the Bandwidth in Use will never go beyond 27 kbs no matter how many sends I have going out at a time. If there is only one send... he gets the benefit of the full 25 - 27 k.... if there are 3, it is split between them.

I am using v2.0 Build 2520.

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Joined: Fri May 23, 2003 1:56 pm

Postby gir489 » Wed Jun 11, 2003 11:48 am

maby the person who you are trying to connect to is not avaible. try connecting to me. i am usualty on both Starfusion or EFnet my username is gir489 "obviously" i have a direct cable line going to my modema and every one admirs your speed so try it
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