i lose all my settings

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i lose all my settings

Postby |Staind| » Sun Apr 27, 2003 6:27 pm

i'm using invision build 2520 and it works fine most of the time...but every now and then, i'll lose all my settings in certain areas...for instance, i might lose all my main settings, but keep my settings for my file server and away manager....other times, i lose color codes, sounds, and file server settings but keep everything else, etc...any ideas? i have the bug fix pack for invision, but it obviously hasn't fixed my problem...
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Postby yuppicide » Sat May 03, 2003 6:41 am

This happens to me.. it's been happening for awhile now in various different versions of Invision. Guess he'll never fix it.
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Postby patr547 » Mon May 05, 2003 5:45 pm

this happens to me too..it seems it always happens after a netsplit occurs
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Postby brint » Mon May 05, 2003 11:54 pm

this happens to me whenever i use mulitserver connection and i connect to the same network that i am already in.
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Postby MOPARonLSD » Wed May 07, 2003 5:11 am

I know this may sound like a pain in the ass but when i had that problem i would just click the apply button after each and every setting and that seemed to solve it for me.
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Postby yuppicide » Sun May 11, 2003 1:51 pm

Well it saves settings for me fine. I don't have to hit APPLY after every change. Just randomly here and there it'll lose settings. It won't lose them all either!

Most of the time it'll unclick the "Dclk Nick Respond" and turn it back on when I don't want it on. Other times it'll just turn on the "auto responders" which I also want off.

I have all my downloads go into one directory and a lot of times Invision'll put back the folders I said to not use.. it'll put back *.wav, *.ogg, *.mp3, etc and tell them to download into the \sounds\ dir when I don't want them there.
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INVISION BUILD 1816 and 2520

Postby klonopin » Mon May 19, 2003 10:21 am

I have both these versions of Invision installed on various computers i have. My user list seems to be the biggest problem. It just doesn't like to save, primarily when I am deleting a user. I do go to the save all settings option in the Invision menu. File server settings definately do get messed up IF YOU OPEN 2 INSTANCES OF Invision. There isn't much reason to do that but if you're running one client on a BNC or something like that you may do this, BUT DON'T, because this seems to be the surefire way of losing all your settings. The userlist save problem I pretty much always have but I don't think it's quite as bad in 2520.
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