Loss of settings, and spelling error

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Loss of settings, and spelling error

Postby Prince_Endymion-sama » Mon Apr 21, 2003 12:14 pm

If someone else is using the internet on my other computer, and I want to change Invision settings while offline, when I connect it erases my settings.

Also, I found a spelling error in Invision-->Main Settings-->Channel OPs
"Deop on mass deop (fellow ops exlcuded)" - I'm pretty sure you all know it's excluded not exlcuded. :oops: See ya!
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Postby cnils » Mon Apr 21, 2003 12:32 pm

Every setting is connections specific. So you have to be connected to a network for the settings to stick.
The changes you make while not connected will be used as default settings when connecting to a new network.
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