Away System Malfunction [Build 2520]

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Away System Malfunction [Build 2520]

Postby PRAETORIAN » Sat Mar 22, 2003 10:26 am

:!: I have been using Invision for nearly 3 years now. And since I got Build 2520, I noticed something wrong with the Away system. I enable the Away mode, and since 2520, if I get disconnected along the way ("Connection reset by peer" / "Software caused connection abort" etc etc...) and join back automatically... Invision takes me OFF of Away mode. Before 2520, Invision would put me back on Away automatically when I return from a disconnection, therefore not resetting my "Away time". But since 2520, it takes me OFF of Away when I return. I have had this problem ONLY with Build 2520, and none of the previous builds. I'm a frequent user of the Away system, and would like to see this problem fixed immediately. Can you please do something about this? Thank you.
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Postby cnils » Wed Mar 26, 2003 4:34 am

There is a fix for that in the fix pack available in the #invision channel on (former irc-chat)
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