BAD scrolling problems

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BAD scrolling problems

Postby Caballistar » Wed Feb 19, 2003 1:09 am

I've never had problems with Invision, it was working great. And then, while i was using, it starting getting terrible scrolling problems, no matter what server or channel or even the status menu there would be a very slow, lagging, jaggy scrolling. And if i type !list in a channel, i can't do or click on anything until all the triggers finish posting. All this happened while i was using the script, didn't turn it off when it started. I tried everything i can think of to fix it, I even uninstalled and installed mIRC and Invision, neither one would fix it. And mIRC alone, without Invision doesn't have this problem, so i believe the cause is Invision.

Im hoping someone can help me with this problem, thank you
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Postby Badasskow » Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:24 am

Invision whore
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Postby Badasskow » Sat Mar 08, 2003 9:44 am

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Same here...

Postby PRAETORIAN » Tue Mar 25, 2003 4:12 pm

I get the same problem, but if I disable the background in all windows (take off the Invision logo from the background), everything goes back to normal.
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