invision 2520 help please

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invision 2520 help please

Postby diamond28 » Sat Mar 15, 2003 5:31 pm

i have invision 2520 and mirc latest installed. For some reason when ever im downloading a file sometimes my computer just restarts ofcourse this is anoying when u have to wait in line all over again. First I thought something was in my computer so i installed my entire system. This only happens when im downloading a file on mirc it doesnt happen any other time. I have never had this happen with any other programs but this one. Im running windows xp pro. Can someone help me please
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You're gettin attacked arent u

Postby digital » Sat Mar 15, 2003 5:53 pm

It sounds to me like you're being attacked by another IRC user. I don't think it has anything to do with Invision or mIRC. Your IRC server probably isn't masking your address, allowing everybody else on the IRC network to access to your IP Address.

With some servers you can mask your address by changing your user mode (e.g. /mode <yournick> +x). The "x" mode is the standard to do this on IRC Servers using UnrealIRCd. This may be different on the various ircds out there. It may also bee a good idea to set "+i" which is usually "Invisible" mode (this locks it down so only users in your channels can get your address, defaulted to On through the mIRCD configuration, I believe but check anyways).

Use "/quote info" to find out the ircd release your network is using, follow any links listed to the homepage and read the documentation to find out the correct usermode. Many IRC networks do not provide this mode.

It is typical for a hacker to scan open Proxies (of which they can find pleanty) so they can obtain multiple address to "blow you away" using a puny DoS-style attack. This method would not trigger your or your ISP's firewall protection (if any).
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Postby diamond28 » Sat Mar 15, 2003 6:03 pm

so having a firewall up wont help this?. So why does this only happen while downloading? When I log off Mirc i ask some of my friends to look and see what it says it shows my ip address masked out there are 2 leters where the numbers should be.
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irq problem?

Postby digital » Sun Mar 16, 2003 4:21 pm

Maybe there's an IRQ problem with your NIC, you could be using a shared IRQ slot and one of the two drivers might not like it.

Right click on My Computer, Advanced (tab), uncheck "Automatically restart". Next time your system fails it won't reboot. I'm thinking this is all unrelated to Invision or mIRC. Try using the Microsoft signed driver supplied for your NIC instead of the manufacturers.

If you're not being attacked as I said earlier, it's probably this kind of problem. And to answer the previous hypothetical synerio, it would only happen while you are downloading because your download is just all that more info to flood your internet pipe with.
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Postby diamond28 » Wed Mar 19, 2003 7:28 am

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Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 5:27 pm

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