Mouse glitch in channel window causes BSOD

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Mouse glitch in channel window causes BSOD

Postby MeurglysIII » Tue Oct 19, 2004 1:15 pm

Hello, all. :)

I was able to reproduce this many times on my otherwise stable system:

Whenever I try to select text in a channel window (as in grabbing a fserv trigger) but miss the text due to a tiny little glitch of the mouse and hit the space in between lines instead, my computer crashes to a BSOD displaying the good old IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error, indicating an improperly referenced memory address.

Has anyone else seen this :?:

I'm running Invision 3515 on mIRC 6.14, obtained from on a fresh install of WinXP SP1.

AMD Athlon XP 2800 with 1 GB of RAM and nVidia GeForce 4 Ti 4600.

Thanks for any inspiration. :)

Have a good day on IRC!

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Postby Riamus » Tue Oct 19, 2004 2:44 pm

Mouse glitch? As in your mouse isn't working properly? That very well could be the cause even if it only happens in mIRC. I've never seen mIRC with any script (Invision or otherwise) give a BSOD when selecting multi-line text...
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Postby MeurglysIII » Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:14 am


Thanks for the quick reply. :)

Actually I think everything's fine with the mouse, as I never had any trouble with Invision 2520. Right after the annual XP reinstall I installed the latest build of Invision without importing settings or anything and that's when it started.

That glitch happened when I hit the end of the mousepad, the mouse jerked a bit, and I missed the text I was aiming at. That was when I first noticed it, and of course I had nothing better to do than trying to reproduce it. :wink:

Quick, jerky movements of the mouse while selecting text in a channel window cause the crash.

It happens instantly, so that I can't even see anything in task manager, and there's no entry in the event logs either.

It might well be the mouse driver conflicting with some odd XP update. I haven't updated to SP2 though. When I'm home from work I'll try different mice (PS2 and USB) and drivers and Invision 2520 to see if it makes any difference.

I hope by tomorrow I'll have news on that issue. If anyone has seen a similar error, even if you don't have a solution, please post a reply. :)

Thanks again!

And as always: great script, great forum, great people! :)

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Solution :)

Postby MeurglysIII » Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:05 am

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Postby Riamus » Sat Oct 23, 2004 1:43 pm

You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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