!list command for FTP AD doesnt work..

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!list command for FTP AD doesnt work..

Postby ReDxKiNG » Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:06 pm

Im new here and the first thing i must say is that this is the BEST script i have ever used/seen. It has ALL the options i could ever think of but im having 1 small prob with it,My mirc version is 6.12 and Im on the lastest version of invision with the latest patch(3515-a pack)Im trying to make it so that when someone enters my channel and they want to see the FTP ad all they have to do is type !list. I know this is an option in the FTP ad settings but it doesnt seem to be working. I have the checkbox enabled and when other users type !list,nothing happens. Does anyone know how i can fix this or at least tell me how to make it so that users can see the FTP ad by typing !list rather than waiting on the timer interval to scroll the ad? Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:21 pm

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