auto join

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auto join

Postby Mezz » Tue Jun 21, 2016 1:45 pm

when i get kicked from a channel my auto join doesnt work even tho the box is ticked
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Re: auto join

Postby XMog » Tue Jun 21, 2016 2:15 pm

I assume you mean the "Rejoin channel when kicked" option in mIRC? There should be no conflict between that mIRC feature and Invision. Possible reasons it wouldn't work as expected are: You are banned from the channel (some people set bans for a few seconds to prevent auto-rejoining), the connection to the server is laggy/problematic, the channel has a limit set (+l) that is lower than the total users in the channel, or the channel requires additional steps to rejoin (e.g. invite-only).

Another option for you to try if you still aren't having any luck automatically rejoining after getting kicked is the "Home Channels" feature in Invision. When connected to the server, open up the Invision menu and choose Main Settings. In the bottom right of the General tab is a section called "Home Channels." Add the channel(s) you want to remain in, and check "Always in Channels" and "Learn Keys." With that, a timer runs and checks every so often; if you are connected to the server but not in the channel(s), it will attempt to join them.
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