by XMog » Sun May 08, 2016 9:46 am
Invision should definitely work fine on Dalnet. I will check sometime this week to see if there's anything on Dalnet that would prevent it from working.
Edit: The reason Invision does not auto-identify on Dalnet is that Dalnet never actually requests you to log in/identify when you connect to the server. Most servers send this text (or similar) when connecting or switching to a nick that is registered:
*NickServ* This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
*NickServ* nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
*NickServ* please choose a different nick.
Dalnet no longer sends that text, so there is no indication from the server that an identify is wanted.
I may make an option in the future to force the identify command to be sent when connecting or changing nicks, but for now use the method in the previous post (mIRC's "perform" function) to identify. Step by step instructions: In mIRC, hit Alt+O (or go to Tools -> Options in the menu), go to Connect -> Options, click the Perform button, check "Enable perform on connect," click Add, select Dalnet, click OK, type "/nickserv identify <your_pass>" into the box, and click OK twice.