Invision and mIRC 7.33/7.34 (Currently Incompatible)

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Invision and mIRC 7.33/7.34 (Currently Incompatible)

Postby XMog » Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:50 am

mIRC 7.33 (beta) and 7.34 (released today) introduced some changes to script processing, and as a result Invision will not function properly with it. As a temporary measure, please remain on mIRC v7.32 or earlier when using Invision. We will be looking into the changes, and will release an update to Invision that will be compatible with mIRC 7.34 when we can.

Please be patient, and have a great day!

Edit: A hotfix is now available to make Invision compatible -
Last edited by XMog on Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added info on update
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Re: Invision and mIRC 7.33/7.34 (Currently Incompatible)

Postby oddi » Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:37 am

Many tnx Xmog,
me too check any problem with mirc 7.34, oddi waiting new best script version :)
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Re: Invision and mIRC 7.33/7.34 (Currently Incompatible)

Postby XMog » Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:53 am

While we were in the process of working on and testing Invision's compatibility update, Khaled (creator of mIRC) made a stating that the change that is causing issues with most scripts will be reverted in the next release of mIRC.

We will still be making the updates to increase compatibility and be more in-line with mIRC's documented behavior. However, depending on the date of the next mIRC release, it may not be necessary for us to release a separate compatibility update. In that case, the changes will just be included in the next standard Invision release.

Have a great day!
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