ANSI Telnet

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ANSI Telnet

Postby Riamus » Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:22 pm

Invision 3.3 brings you a new Telnet feature that includes ANSI graphics. This new feature will function very similar to a real telnet client, but there are features that will not be included. The main things that are not included are sending and receiving files, ANSI music, and RIP graphics. Also, graphics may not be entirely correct. We'll work on specific issues as they come up, but most displays should be correct. If you have specific cases where the graphics aren't working correctly, let me know.

To use the telnet feature, you'll need an address to a BBS or other telnet location. You can then enter that information into the ANSI Telnet client from within the Invision menu and you will connect. When you create an account, or if you already have an account, make sure that you enable ANSI graphics or you won't see the graphics. You can also right click in the telnet window to change the font size between small, medium, and large if you want to. Note that the current display will not change, but if you go to a new screen, it will be in the new size. It's easiest to test the sizes from a main menu on a BBS where you can just hit Enter after changing the size to refresh the screen.

Because this is a new feature, please post any comments, suggestions, or bugs.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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