Limit @find results

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Limit @find results

Postby L4SisHere » Mon Oct 10, 2011 2:50 am

When getting the results of @find, is there a way to limit the results to just the file name and not include the file size and the rest of the file info?
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Re: Limit @find results

Postby Riamus » Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:23 am

@find is handled entirely by the person responding to the command. It is their script that provides all information, not yours. Of course, you could write a script that would change how messages are formatted to hide this information, but you'd have to make the script handle every possible type of response you'll receive. Not all scripts display the information in the same way, so your script would have to handle all possible ways and at the same time, it has to know when a message is a @find reply or if it's a normal message that should not be changed.

Most people want additional information because it helps to weed out invalid results that may be viruses (a 5kB file that claims to be a MP3, for example). Displaying less information won't decrease the time it takes to display the results, if that's what you're aiming for. You'd still be receiving all of the information and only hiding it locally. The end result is it would increase the time to display because your script would have to run compared to not running if you leave everything as-is.

In the end, trying to make a script to do this is really not worth the effort.
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