Nick change happening across all servers I'm on

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Nick change happening across all servers I'm on

Postby Bastille » Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:46 pm

Not sure if mIRC or Invision is hiding the setting responsible for this but figured this would be the best place to ask.

How do I go about disabling this annoyance?
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Re: Nick change happening across all servers I'm on

Postby Riamus » Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:17 am

Invision has an option in the Main Settings to maintain a specific nick. This can either be set individually for each network or else it can be set globally for all networks depending on how you set things up in Invision. Look at the maintain nick option in Main Settings. If you don't want it to maintain a nick, then disable it for each network. Otherwise, change the nick to the one(s) you want to use on each network.

Note that global default settings are created before you connect to a network for the first time (see the install instructions sticky thread for details). If you set up default settings, those will be used on all new networks by default. You can change them afterwards, but until you do, the network will use those default settings. Things like maintaining a specific nick shouldn't be enabled as global defaults unless your nick will be the same for all networks.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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Re: Nick change happening across all servers I'm on

Postby Bastille » Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:03 pm

Haha, wow. Can't believe I missed that when I was scouring all over the options trying to find it. Thanks for the help.
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