Windows 7, MIRC 7.19 Help....Invision Not Working

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Windows 7, MIRC 7.19 Help....Invision Not Working

Postby Mossat75 » Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:47 am

I installed Mirc to a folder in program files---> invision and then installed invision to the same directory and when I click on the invision icon mirc7.19 starts as invision. I'm not sure what I did wrong? Any help would be great. Oh I am using invisin 3.2. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Windows 7, MIRC 7.19 Help....Invision Not Working

Postby Mossat75 » Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:43 am

Ok well I started doing some research while waiting for some help and the problem was installing into the program files directory. Now I got it to work but anytime I connect to a server I'm getting software abort problem. I type a search in a window and i'm disconnected before I even click enter. Please help again..Thanks.
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Re: Windows 7, MIRC 7.19 Help....Invision Not Working

Postby smigel » Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:41 pm


I am having the same problem, I have installed invision to the same folder as mIRC ie. c/program files/mIRC and when starting up using the invision icon I still only get normal mIRC.

So hints would also be good here
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Re: Windows 7, MIRC 7.19 Help....Invision Not Working

Postby Mossat75 » Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:13 pm

Well like I said in my prior post, if you install the directory in c:program files it will not work because of the spacing. So if you directory for example is mirc or invision then you should put it directly in c:\mirc or c:\invision then it will work. My problem is now I got it running I keep getting kicked out with some software error.
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Re: Windows 7, MIRC 7.19 Help....Invision Not Working

Postby Riamus » Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:38 am

Yes, there is a sticky that explains how to install the script and it warns against installing to Program Files. There are various issues that can come up if you install there depending on how your Windows installation is set up.

The software disconnect error can be just about anything. There is a very large sticky on's forum with a wide variety of possible fixes. It is unlikely to be script-related. You might try installing mIRC 7.17 instead and see if you have the same problem. 7.19 just came out and there may be some issues that haven't been seen yet with certain modems or routers or other software. Also, you can try mIRC without a script installed and see how it works that way.

Also, keep in mind that this is a forum and not chat and it is not watched 24/7. I check it frequently, but rarely more than once a day. If you need faster assistance, the #Invision channel usually provides a faster response. Though, again, people work, so they may or may not be there. If you ask a question, then just idle, you'll eventually get an answer when someone returns to the channel.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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