Not automatically minimizing DCC Sends.

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Not automatically minimizing DCC Sends.

Postby maxjester » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:28 am

So I set up an Invision fserve for the first time in almost 7-8 years, and I'm having an issue with the DCC sends not automatically minimizing to the switchbar. I did some googling and modified my /default/scripts/aliases.ini to include the -m switch, so it looks like this:

n8=/send /dcc send -m $1 $2

I closed and relaunched Invision (in case it was necessary), however consistently when a file comes up in a user's queue the send will show up on top of my other windows (it does close properly when it's completed). Is there something I'm missing? Thanks.
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Re: Not automatically minimizing DCC Sends.

Postby Riamus » Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:18 am

Unfortunately, this happens in mIRC without any scripts installed. It's been this way since (I believe) the first version in the 7.x series of mIRC. You can't set a default minimized state no matter how much I've tried. However, I'm looking at forcing it minimized to see how that works. I believe it will work well, but haven't tested it yet.

If you would like to test it and let me know how it goes, it's an easy change to make.

Press Alt-R and go to the Aliases tab. Open ialias1 and use search (ctrl-f) to look for idcc { . In that section, look for anything that says dcc send . You need to add a -m switch to the commands. For example,

.dcc send -c $2

would become

.dcc send -cm $2


dcc send -cl $2

would become

dcc send -clm $2

Note that this just affects that idcc alias and there may be other sends that are done that send the files without that alias. I haven't had time to really look into that, but this should cover most of the sends. Let me know if it's working for you if you decide to try.
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Re: Not automatically minimizing DCC Sends.

Postby maxjester » Tue Mar 15, 2011 9:20 am

I gave it a try, added the m to a the switches I saw in that alias file, but then it didn't appear to send anything, giving an error like the following in my status window:

DCC Send of <username> to -c: Unable to open file

So apparently I added it places where it shouldn't have been (I added it wherever there was a .dcc send command, and one of them was a .dcc send -c statemen, which I made -cm). Looks like somewhere I changed something that transposed the filename and the nick, making it think the nick was the filename and the -c switch was the destination.

Sorry to ask so many questions, it's just been awhile since I've used Invision, and I really prefer it over other script packs. I want to use this instead of Sysreset, since the only thing I like about Sysreset is the file server script--everything else I find superior in Invision, but my machine doesn't really like having two different instances of mIRC running (and I'd prefer not to have one running for one network and Invision for everything else).

Having said that, I also noticed that on Invision when I send a file it does not preserve the case of the source file, instead making the entire filename lower-case when it sends. Sysreset didn't do this, but I'm not sure where I'd look to find the difference. If I just do a manual DCC Send it doesn't do this (and also gives me the option to minimize a DCC send and not replace spaces with underscores). This may have taken care of the auto-minimizing sends (unchecking the "fill spaces" option definitely made it so the server no longer replaces spaces with underscores), but I'll have to wait until I get these other issues ironed out before I turn it on for awhile to test some more.

Having dug around a bit deeper, I had seen a fix for Sysreset that kind of addressed this issue ( ... ec259493b7); it details the variables that can be used in mirc to take the input from the user and match it to a file, then send the file with the correct case. The issue I'm running into seems to be that when doing a dir listing using Invision it makes all of the files lower-case, so a user typing the get command and copying/pasting the filename, the resulting dcc send will be all lower-case. When doing a dir listing in Sysreset the case matches the source files. As a test I manually typed in the file with some upper-case letters and the file I received had those letters capitalized.
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Re: Not automatically minimizing DCC Sends.

Postby Riamus » Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:29 am

Capitalization should work fine in Invision. I can verify that the directory listing capitalization works fine on my server, which you can check if you want (see my signature). You may have some setting changed that affects that. Most people aren't going to care about how your files are capitalized when they receive them anyhow. I know that I certainly don't pay the slightest attention to capitalization of any files I receive. As far as sent files, it may be that it sends them with the case requested, but again, most don't care. The directory listing shows the correct case and if they copy/paste the filename or type it in the same case, that's how they'll receive it. If they use Invision and use the file browser, they can just click on the files and the case will be correct. It is unlikely we'll spend time adjusting the script to force correct case in sends as it requires a fair amount of work in a script this size and so few people are concerned about the case. Most sent files are compressed and once uncompressed are the right case anyhow.

The dcc send error would seem to indicate that you have a -c in the wrong place somewhere. Because I don't know the changes you made, I'm not sure where to tell you to fix it. Keep in mind that it just says -c. That means it is not in any location that includes other letters (-cm, -clm, etc). Also, if you did a find/replace all, it may have double replaced something so that you have something like: dcc send -cm -c $2 or whatever.

And, yes, spaces becoming _'s is a mIRC setting and has nothing to do with what script you use.

Your best option would be to install a clean copy of mIRC and Invision without any other settings being copied from older installs of mIRC. The clean install of Invision should not have the spaces changed to _'s AFAIK (I'd have to check to verify, but am almost positive). So if you had that, you would have probably installed Invision into a previous mIRC folder. Try a completely clean install and see how that works for your spaces and capitalization. It will also reset your changes for dcc sends so you can carefully try that again if you want.
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Re: Not automatically minimizing DCC Sends.

Postby maxjester » Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:35 am

I'll give it a shot. This is a new server that I'm setting this up on, so there has been no mirc installed on it previously. I'll try blowing all the settings out and setting it up again, though. mirc by default does do the "Fill Spaces" on a dcc send, but by doing one manual send and unchecking that option, subsequent auto-sends by the fserve did not include underscores. As for the capitalization issue, I'm serving scene-name files for console games, and the users are picky about maintaining the actual non-renamed scene format names; that's the only reason it's an issue.
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Re: Not automatically minimizing DCC Sends.

Postby Riamus » Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:44 am

Yes, mIRC's default converts spaces, but Invision replaces the mirc.ini file (actually, it just puts mirc.ini in the install folder, so it supercedes the one mIRC puts into the appdata folder). The replaced file should not convert spaces. It's been awhile since I've done a clean install, so I may be wrong, but I don't remember changing that during the last clean install I did.
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Re: Not automatically minimizing DCC Sends.

Postby maxjester » Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:03 am

Yeah, I just wiped out the mirc settings and did a clean install of Invision 3.2. I had to manually install mIRC because my 2003 SP2 server threw out a NTVDM Hard Error when it tried to script the launch of the mirc71.exe install, so I installed mIRC 7.19 myself and then clicked OK to continue the Invision install (so not sure if that makes a difference in the issue). Once I installed I quick set up a trigger, pointed it at a folder, and hopped on from my vanilla IRC client at work. When I typed dir all the files were in lower-case.

I reinstalled sysreset, set up the trigger, and when I typed dir the files showed the same case as they are in the folder, so I'm not sure what options I have to get Invision to do the same for me.

I guess what I'm looking for is how to get Invision to display the files preserving the case of the folder they're in. If a user on the server were to actually type the case-preserved filename, that's what Invision will send, so it isn't a sending issue. If someone knew that a filename was Avengers 010 (2011) (Minutemen-DTs&Saxon).cbr, then they could type it in like that and that's the file they'd get. However they wouldn't be able to copy/paste it, as in the directory listing it'd be avengers 010 (2011) (minutemen-dts&saxon).cbr.
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Re: Not automatically minimizing DCC Sends.

Postby Riamus » Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:19 pm

Sorry about that. I just tried when I got home and it's all lowercase. I guess I haven't paid attention to it in a long time.

I'll look into that, but it is likely to be a ton of work for something few really need. I'm not sure that we're going to put in that much work for one feature. I know that's not helpful for you and I'm sorry about that. If I still had a lot of time to spend on scripting, I might do that, but I just don't have that much time for scripting these days. So I use the time on things that benefit the most people possible.
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