New user need some help

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New user need some help

Postby ^joe » Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:28 am

I have looked everywhere for the documentation and cant find a getting started document. I have been on IRC since 97 and have been using omenserv but recently I have gotten tired of the lack of support and general bugyness of omen serv and invision was highly recommended. I am also using windows 7 ultimate if it matters.

anywho I have some questions

Where is the getting started section I read about in the help tab of the website?

Does invision listen for @find requests and !nick filename.ext requests?

I have been on undernet forever are there any other servers out there you can suggest?

thanks in advance hate to ask the newb question but invision is a whole new world compared to omenserv.
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Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2010 6:23 am

Re: New user need some help

Postby Riamus » Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:13 am

I think everything was covered in the channel with you the other day, but for anyone else...

There isn't a getting started file other than mIRC's. I started work on a help file for Invision, but have not had the time to complete it. The forum has a lot of information and you can always ask specific questions here or in the #Invision channel.

Invision does watch for @find. !nick filename is not supported, though the MP3 server does have a similar setup for that. Normal Fserv/XDCC/TDCC don't use that. For that matter, Invision shouldn't support that. There are many instances where someone will have 2 or more files with the same filename in different folders. !nick filename wouldn't support that properly.

If you want to find other servers, check out in your browser and see what networks are available and how large they are and choose what you like.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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