by Riamus » Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:50 pm
It's possible that you crashed or closed mIRC incorrectly. Doing either can cause corrupted settings. So can running low on hard drive space or even memory.
Settings are stored in the Invision\Settings\ folder other than mIRC specific settings stored in mIRC.ini. For stats from fserv/etc, there's a topic that explains how to manually enter that information back into the script.
Something to keep in mind... if you're using mIRC 6.31 and/or Vista, you may have issues with settings saving to the correct location. To avoid problems, you should look at the Vista thread and you should make sure that mIRC.ini is in your mIRC (Invision) folder everytime you start mIRC or it can mess things up in 6.31 and/or Vista.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.