by Riamus » Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:57 am
That sounds like it may be a problem in Windows, then. Are you using a hacked version of mIRC? If so, it may be the cause of the problem. Beyond that, maybe check what processes you have running if you know how in your task manager. If there are any there that you don't recognize, go to google and type the full name including .exe or whatever in there and see what it tells you. Usually you can find out from the first link or two if it's a legitimate program or a virus. I'd just double check that you don't have any viruses running. Also make sure that you don't have a mIRC.exe process running that you can't see (perhaps it crashed and is still sticking there in the background and needs to be killed so that a new copy can open. Also try restarting if you haven't already.
Beyond that, I'm not really sure. You did say this only happened with Invision and not regular mIRC. Really the only thing that I can see causing problems is a DLL that your Windows isn't liking. You might want to try downloading/installing normal mIRC into a folder somewhere and then copying the mIRC.ini file from there into your Invision folder and overwrite the file that is in the Invision folder. That will reset the mIRC settings to the default settings and that may help.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.