Invision 3515-B Released (works with mIRC 6.17+)

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Invision 3515-B Released (works with mIRC 6.17+)

Postby Riamus » Sat Jul 08, 2006 4:46 pm

The next unofficial patch for Invision is now available. This patch should fix most bugs and make it work correctly with mIRC 6.17+. It also includes a few minor improvements, such as the ability to use the fserv browser to view UPP, TCLFileserver, and Garnaxbot fservs.

You can download this patch is two forms at this time...

Remember, do NOT import settings for any upgrade of the script. And, do not install into a directory that has spaces (e.g. C:\Program Files\mIRC\) or you will have problems.

-- Just extract into a new folder and run.
-- Install mIRC first, then install Invision 3515 into that folder. Then extract this into that folder, overwriting all files if asked.

Note that the second file allows you to keep your current settings. However, for a nice and clean upgrade, the first file is your best choice.

If you find any bugs while using 3515B, please make sure that you include in the post's subject line that you're using 3515B. For example, the subject might be: [3515B] Found a bug in _____ -- This will help us to better help you with your problems and also will help us when we're ready to make a new patch.

Also, I strongly recommend doing the bug fixes listed in the sticky in the bugs forum and checking back there regularly.

Here are the changes in the B patch (you can download the file )...

July 08, 2006

Invision 2 Build 3515-B Unofficial Fix Pack

This is an all-in-one compilation of various fixes and improvements from the forums and #Invision. Most of these were done by Riamus and L|B, with the compilation and additional changes/fixes done by XMog.

New Features :

* Packaged with mIRC 6.17 and updated server list
* File sizes are now listed in the DCC Manager - Queues
* "Enable All" / "Disable All" buttons added to the Sound Manager

Bug Fixes / Changes :

* "/if: invalid format (line 1073, ialias4.mrc)" error no longer occurs when displaying system info with missing fields
* "Add" buttons now work with new versions of mIRC (6.15+)
* Duplicate "Play Media" section in the Popups removed
* Fserve Explorer better detects the end of DIR listings (fixes when new lines were displayed in the wrong area with certain fserves)
* Fixed error when opening the DCC Manager when only receiving files (not sending)
* Total Server Bandwidth fixed
* "/diagfs: Missing Information" fixed
* Netsplit Detected now functions correctly when the string "irc." is not part of the split
* Fserve GET command now works correctly on new mIRC versions (6.15+)
* Timer length increased for the Fserve auto-start, which will lessen the problem of the ad displaying twice in succession on connect/join
* Word Watcher script error with actions (/me and /action)
* Small changes to the Time Stamp Format setting
* Fserving from a root directory should now work properly
* Quit message fixed when in stealth mode
* Invision will now check before playing a sound to make sure the file exists (should lessen /splay errors)
* "Use Global Settings For All Networks" should be fixed
* Fixed Dropdowns in Main Settings -> Colors
* More descriptive "Use /msg $chan" string for word watch
* Better detection of servers that support half-ops
* XDCC Ad Blocking possibly fixed
* Fserve Explorer has better support for more types of fservers, such as: UPP, TCL, and Garnaxbot fservers (With Garnaxbot, user may need to type DIR when first connected)
* Info windows (such as the Log Viewer and Server Notices now appear at the end of the switchbar
* Fixed error if 2-line fserve ad was enabled but MOTD was empty (It will now just display the one line, since the second line is only for the MOTD)
* Added option to use high-resolution timers for displaying the XDCC Ad (may help fix out-of-order pack displaying, but results in significant more CPU usage while the ad is displaying)
* Long-standing bug fixed where receiving a file with spaces messed up the "receiving" message (X is attempting to send Y on port Z)
* Possibly other things I forgot
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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