spamming bug? i get kicked for excessive flood

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spamming bug? i get kicked for excessive flood

Postby Artem » Thu May 19, 2005 12:46 pm

Hey all, my problem (on a fresh install of mirc 6.16 + latest invision) is that (for no apparent reason) invision floods

User list color scheme in effect
> Pink = Fellow Op | Cyan = Friend | Orange = DCC Banned | Purple = Elite
> Red = Shitlisted | Grey = Ignored | Blue = Bot | Green = Temp DCC permited

repeatedly in the channel window. After a bunch of those i get disconnected (friends say it's for excess flood). it seems to happen almost every time i hit a key (but not every time)
invision was working fine a few weeks ago, then the problem started for no cause, as nearly as i can tell, and even after a format and fresh installs it persists.

the server is gamesurge, if that could have anything to do with it?

here's a screenshot of it happening


also, after i get disconnected from the server, it gives me the following message (spammed) in the chat window:

* /who: not connected to server (line 681, ialias1.mrc)

I tried editing ialias1.mrc to remove the while{} function around line 681, and i no longer get disconnected for flooding, but i still get the rediculous numbers of the users list message.

does anyone know where i can edit out that being displayed or the input for it? or anything else i could do?
i like the script a lot, i don't wanna use another one, that's why i'm coming for help.

thanks in advance for anything
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F-key stuck

Postby Riamus » Thu May 19, 2005 1:00 pm

First, make sure you don't have any of your Function keys stuck. I think it's F12 that displays that information (I'm at work, so can't verify it).

Second, edit the script back to what it should be... changing lines like that will cause major problems later. The line number error messages mention are not where the real problem is located.

Third, try connecting to other networks and see if the same thing happens.

Fourth, if you are still having problems after making sure no F-keys are stuck, join the #Invision channel (see below) and check for help. I'm usually there at night as are some others who can help.
You can find me at #Invision on or #OldGames on if you need me for anything.
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