User list color scheme in effect
> Pink = Fellow Op | Cyan = Friend | Orange = DCC Banned | Purple = Elite
> Red = Shitlisted | Grey = Ignored | Blue = Bot | Green = Temp DCC permited
repeatedly in the channel window. After a bunch of those i get disconnected (friends say it's for excess flood). it seems to happen almost every time i hit a key (but not every time)
invision was working fine a few weeks ago, then the problem started for no cause, as nearly as i can tell, and even after a format and fresh installs it persists.
the server is gamesurge, if that could have anything to do with it?
here's a screenshot of it happening

also, after i get disconnected from the server, it gives me the following message (spammed) in the chat window:
* /who: not connected to server (line 681, ialias1.mrc)
I tried editing ialias1.mrc to remove the while{} function around line 681, and i no longer get disconnected for flooding, but i still get the rediculous numbers of the users list message.
does anyone know where i can edit out that being displayed or the input for it? or anything else i could do?
i like the script a lot, i don't wanna use another one, that's why i'm coming for help.
thanks in advance for anything