Server Issues

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Server Issues

Postby Jeff1691 » Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:33 am

I am having server issues which is stopping users acsessing my filesthe server seems to stall at "Waiting for acknowledgement". I did a fresh install of mirc 6.12 and 2.0 3515 invision and that is where the problems started I have been running a server for two years and have never had this trouble before. I still have mIRC allowed in nortons, i still have the same ports forwarded in my router, i have windows firewall disabled, I have checked my settings via set up on ircmadeasy, I am running a static ip and have checked that that is ok in my router. I have not changed anything except installing mirc and invision. When i uninstalled the old mirc and invision i even went and deleted all relevant files and folders. Any suggestions would be great. It all has become very frustrating.

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Joined: Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:08 am


Postby Riamus » Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:06 am

First of all, did you set your mIRC ports up to match your router settings? When you install mIRC, you have the default port range 1024-5000 usually.

Second, if you reinstall any software that Nortons might block from the internet, you have to set it back up in Nortons. Nortons might say mIRC is allowed, but the OLD mIRC is allowed... not necessarily the new one.
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