If someone REALLY wants to get nasty with you, they'll find a way in .. all you can do is make it harder for them. This doesnt only apply when running Invision, it applies EVERY time you log onto the internet. There are ppl scanning for puters with weak (or no *gasp*) defenses all the time. Be sure you're one of the people making it harder for them.
Protect your operating system with a hard-to-guess password & disable your "guest" account.
Make sure you run a firewall ALL THE TIME .. if you're behind a router, all the better for you. Scan EVERYTHING you leech, with an up-to-date antivirus pattern. And do regular antiviral scans of your entire computer (including Boot Sector).
As for when you run Invision and are sharing files (sometimes you might just wanna idle & chat in a channel & not serve or leech) .. turn off auto-get if you dont plan to DL (I also lock my SEND & GET in mIRC options when I'm idling or afk for a long time).. if you DO plan to DL, you can change your protection to only allow trusted nicks to send to you, again either using Invision's main settings -- filtering & protection .. and/or mIRC options' dcc ignore --> set to "ignore all" "turn ignore back on in 15mins" or "ignore all but trusted" (make sure you have nicks added to the "trusted" list if you use this option).. the choice is yours. But remember where you changed settings, so that you can change them back if you wanna leech. And remember to do this with ALL servers/networks you're connected to..and SAVE ALL SETTINGS NOW.
As for when you're serving, for the most part, users are looking for a certain file, and more concerned with finding and getting that file, than finding out your ip. If you're serving, make sure you havent used the mIRC option of DCC LOCK - sends. or you wont send files they've Q'd with you.
You're right to be concerned about your safety on the net .. protect yourself as best you can, be prepared for the worst and BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP