How do u modify the ban mask? urgent pls.........

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How do u modify the ban mask? urgent pls.........

Postby Astroboy » Sat Jan 24, 2004 9:42 pm

Posts: 1
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Postby L|B » Sun Jan 25, 2004 8:18 am

If yu owant to ban thier mask and not thier Indent ( Indent can be changed then they will get back in ) Thier mask is given by the server go to ialias1.mrc you will see kb and kb2 change the highlighted part below in each line to ban like this *!*@xxxxxxxxxx.1A3F7979.7F830898.IP

kb { if (($me ison $1) && ($2 != $null)) || (($me ison $active) && ($1 != $null)) { if ($address($iif($me ison $1,$2,$1),5) == $null) { mode $iif($me ison $1,$1,$active) -o+b $iif($me ison $1,$2,$1) $iif($me ison $1,$2,$1) $+ !*@* | kick $iif($me ison $1,$1,$active) $iif($me ison $1,$2-,$1-) } | else { mode $iif($me ison $1,$1,$active) -o+b $iif($me ison $1,$2,$1) $address($iif($me ison $1,$2,$1),2) | kick $iif($me ison $1,$1,$active) $iif($me ison $1,$2-,$1-) } } | else { error Usage: /kb [#channel] <nick> [message] } }

kb2 { if (($me ison $1) && ($2 != $null)) || (($me ison $active) && ($1 != $null)) { if ($address($iif($me ison $1,$2,$1),5) == $null) { mode $iif($me ison $1,$1,$active) -o+b $iif($me ison $1,$2,$1) $iif($me ison $1,$2,$1) $+ !*@* | kick $iif($me ison $1,$1,$active) $iif($me ison $1,$2-,$1-) $+  } | else { mode $iif($me ison $1,$1,$active) -o+b $iif($me ison $1,$2,$1) $address($iif($me ison $1,$2,$1),2) | kick $iif($me ison $1,$1,$active) $iif($me ison $1,$2-,$1-) $+  } } | else { error Usage: /kb [#channel] <nick> [message] } }

Yours Should say $address($iif($me ison $1,$2,$1),3) change the 3 to a 2

Then that will keep the little buggers out unless they have dial up then thier IP changes each time
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