404: Cannot send to channel:

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404: Cannot send to channel:

Postby Maverick923 » Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:04 pm

Can someone tell me what this means: "404: Cannot send to channel:"
How do I fix this?

Thanks for any help.....
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Postby L|B » Fri Nov 21, 2003 7:02 am

That Means the channel is Moderated and only allows people that are voiced + next to thier Nick or ops @ next to thier Nick and on some networks thier is % and ! . are able to send text to the channel to get other meanings of IRC terms visit our Faqs page at http://www.ircmadeasy.com/f.a.q.htm
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Postby |c$a|Dogg » Tue Jan 13, 2004 4:02 pm

I am having the same problem and I am an op, Any more suggestions?
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Postby Dana » Tue Jan 13, 2004 5:57 pm

As L|B said .. unless you're voiced or higher on a moderated channel (+m) .. you cannot send anything to that channel.

You say you are an op .. are you actually Op'd at the time you cant to channel? On most channels you'll be in a chanserv AOP axx list (or if not, then a bot/another op will op you onjoin) .. You have to identify first, then you should get your ops .. then you'll be able to send to the m'd chan. If you're joining the channel with your alternate nick, and its not in either axx list (chanserv or fellow op/bot) .. group your nicks, using /nickserv group <your preferred nick> <your password for that nick> .. and you should still get your ops after identifying.

eg: I use the nicks Dana and DaYna most of the time.
My nick Dana is on axx lists .. DaYna is not in all of the axx lists.
I add DaYna to the group of Dana like so:
/nickserv group Dana <DanaPassword>
nickserv responds with a notice:
*NickServ* You are now in the group of Dana.
you can do this with any other nicks you might use too.

Note that if services are down (eg during a split), you're unlikely to get ops coz you cant identify with nickserv or chanserv, and therefore wont be able to chat in the m'd chan until you can identify/services return.

Of course another reason might simply be lag .. you're trying to send to channel before Invision identifies for you (if you have this enabled - and you should).

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