Lately my Fserve has just stopped displaying ads and my Trigger wont work. The Fserve works for a few hours then it stops is there any reason why it would do this? I never changed any setting is something the matter with the Program? Also last night my Status Window keeps flooding with this :
LAGTIME.59799286 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59809301 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59819315 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59829330 Unknown command
[9:07am] -borglord- Text flood detected, protection enabled. «16 lines within 3 second interval per line» —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—
LAGTIME.59839344 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59849358 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59859373 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59869387 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59879402 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59889416 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59899430 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59909445 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59919459 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59929474 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59939488 Unknown command
LAGTIME.59949502 Unknown command
Can anyone tell what this means also?