THe only way is if someone is an op for them to be able to be opped, So in your script u can enable Bitch Mode Here is the active help from that section
[/Bitchmode when enabled will govern op status in the channel. Anyone opped in the channel that is not in your list as at least a bot or higher and has that channel listed in there User Lists Manager profile will automatically be deopped. Only those recognized and qualified will be allowed to remain opped. This feature would naturally require you to maintain an up to date User List of at least Bots and Fellow Ops.
U will need to add each of your fellow ops to your userlist and any bots that are in your channel this Bitch Mode can be found under Invision > Main Settings > Channel Ops Tab Top right
Um question what Network u on? do they have services? if so do you know how to use them?